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Precision Fit Information Request

Bike fitting has a number of complexities and nuances. As a result, we like to have a brief conversation with our clients to answer questions (including pricing) and determine the best course of action. Due to it's detail, this conversation is typically outside the scope of an email.
For follow up after initial phone conversation.
Road, Mountain, Time Trial (TT), Hybrid, etc.
It is important to distinguish professional fit from bike sizing. Professional fitting is a multi-hour hands-on analysis with a detailed interview. Our fit will be conducted on a dedicated electronic fit cycle. The highest quality fits include video motion capture. Professional fitting requires a trained and certified professional, dedicated space and a substantial investment in equipment. Bike sizing is typically a short process that establishes basic frame size, seat and handlebar height. Most quality bicycle shops with do a bike sizing with every bike sale.
Please feel free to be brief or elaborate.